Brandon is a wonderful place to spend your holidays. Brandon - Cloghane is situated on the northern side of the dingle peninsula, tucked at the base of Mount Brandon and washed by the sparkling surf of Brandon Bay, the cloghane Brandon region is surely one of the great beauty spots of the world. Here an exhilirating blend of mountain, sea and sky entice the visitor to linger, often longer than planned.

A fine selection of waymarked trails through the Cloghane-Brandon hills have made the area a favourite destination for hillwakers. Walks range from short shoreline strolls to the high level Brandon Ridge Walk. The local walking guide book and No. 70 O.S Map are the ideal companions for all who wish to experience our special blend of hills, valleys and Atlantic coastline.

In Cloghane-Brandon, there is a choice between shore angling at Cappa and Fermoyle strands or casting for trout and salmon in the Owenmore River Valley below the Conor Pass.

In Cloghane-Brandon, the close proximity of mountains, sea and moorland makes for an interesting mix of wild flowers, ranging from seaside plants like sea pink to Alpine saxifrags. In between are the beathland, meadow and roadside plants. In summer scarlet fushia, purple foxglove, yellow flage and orange\red mombretia combine with other flowers such as the deep voilet, great butterwort, bright yellow asphodel and heath spotted orchid of the bogland to provide a memorable blaze of colour.

The tidal estuary of Cloghane Creek is a favourite haunt of curlews, oystercatchers, herons and many other waders. Cormorants, razorbills and guillemots find it a rich fishing ground. Fulmars nest at brandon point, off which majestic gannets wheel and plummet in their spectacular quest for food. Another impressive aerial performer, the red-billed chough may also be observed at Brandon Point, soaring in the updraught, or feeding on the close-cropped hillside. The Cloghane-Brandon area with salt-water estuary, river systems, bogland, meadow and hillside is home to a rich and varied birdlife
